Questions for Kevin and other screenwriters...

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Posted by Skippee at on November 16, 2001 at 23:32:05:

At the risk of sounding like a newbie, (I posted once, though, a long time ago) I have a few questions for Kevin and the rest of the screenwriters here that I have always wanted to hear in interviews but never have. I assume these are questions that you guys have heard millions of times but I've never seen anything about them and I didn't see anything in the summaries. Mostly these are just advice type of questions and I'd love any help I can get. I am working on my first script and I have a few first-timer type questions for you. I know each writer has his own preferences about the process so I'd just like to get some opinions together. Anyway, here goes:

First off, when working on a script, do you make an outline of where it's going to go or do you just start writing and put it together later?
Do you write character sketches or let the characters evolve as the script is being written?
Do you write front to back or do you just write scenes as they come to you?
Like I said, any ideas would be greatly appreciated by anyone who is experienced.


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