Re: Chasing Amy question

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Posted by Vandal668 at on November 16, 2001 at 16:03:52:

In Reply to: Chasing Amy question posted by Moon Raper (aka Nitram) on November 16, 2001 at 15:47:28:

: I brought this up furhter down the board, but I've been thinking about it a lot, and want it answered, so I figure I'd post it as its own thread.

: Anyway, I never really did understand the lesbianism angle in Chasing Amy. Was Kevin trying to say that all of us are capable of having a meaningful sexual relationship with members of either sex, or was Alyssa just bisexual?

: I know the main thing Kevin was trying to say with CA was that we shouldn't be hung up on our partner's past, but I can't seem to figure out the message behind the lesbianism. Is there even a message?

Personally, I think it was more like not limiting one's options. Alyssa started leaning towards women because she didn't find what she was looking for with men. So she realized she was needlessly limiting her options, so she started looking within her own gender. However, when she met Holden, she realized that by allowing herself to fall into a category, in this case lesbian, she was limiting her choices again by staying exclusively within her own gender. I think the point is that we are all looking for that one special person, and sometimes they're not who or what we expect them to be. Don't get stuck in sterotypes and labels and allow them to limit your outlook. I hope that makes sense.


"668. The neighbor of the beast."

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