Posted by Tarrik Dane at on November 19, 2001 at 03:42:15:
In reply to this post
There is nothing wrong being proud of what you look like. Everywhere we go there are people like you who talk shit without knowing anything about the person they're talking about. Misanthrope39 is an extremely intelligent young woman who has a very bright future. She's also attractive(in any light.) Why is it when someone is proud of what they look like, they automatically have to be someone who "feels overlooked" and are trying to "create the illusion of affirmation?" Why is her posting pictures of herself any different then you writing this? Obviously, according to your logic and snap judgments, you must be someone who feels overlooked in real life, and must post essays on a net messageboard to prove "yes, I am intelligent." to everyone else, in order to believe it yourself. You must be an unattractive person, because you lash out and try to demean anyone who is. My point is, I don't know anything about you. So, I can't make any of those judgments. You don't know her. Maybe you outta at least have a few conversations with someone before psychoanalyzing them.
Oh yeah, clerkdante, Maybe by "I'm topless, get over it" she meant dont make a big fuckin fuss like this about it...she's topless, so what.