Posted by Smalls at on November 19, 2001 at 19:32:06:
In Reply to: Sad, but true posted by GivingYouTheFinger on November 19, 2001 at 18:22:00:
: This is sad....Harry Potter ranked in over 93 Million this weekend, beating EVERYTHING else. I saw it, its a good movie, but damn thats sad that it beat out Star Wars episode 1. Episode 2 better beat the hell outta harry potter.
It was almost the exact same Campbell "young hero" arc in each flick... both were brought down a few notches by bad effects and bad poopy/boogers/slapstick pandering... except Potter survived the cgi and the dumb stuff by having much better acting, a much better source material and was a kid's/family flick to begin with... instead of being a kids flick sequel to a light sci-fi series.
What's the shame of Episode 1 being beaten by Potter?
If you're doing it on a "c'mon Star Wars fans represent" level... seriously, Episode 1 wasn't really a Star Wars film anyway... it's more machine than man now... twisted and tepid.