Posted by wryn at on January 29, 2002 at 21:33:28:
Ok, I, as I've said MANY times before, live in Kansas City, MO. What the hell is with the weather??? It was 70 degress TWO days ago!!! Now, it like 15 degrees, 1/2 inch of ice, AND it's starting to FUCKING snow!!! What the hell??? So anyone east of me - it's fucking horrible!!! Quick, move south now!!!
Also, I've had the worst week of my job (and it's only Tuesday). I am currently drunk (cheap drunk too, but I hadn't eaten all day today yesterday).
I am watching Blazing Sadles and if you are inclined to knock me on it please consider focusing your effort on the guy a couple posts down who's watching He-man the Movie.
Does anyone really care? No, not even me - but like I said: I'm really fucking drunk (do you know how long it took me to type this??).