Posted by OU1313 at on February 06, 2002 at 01:29:00:
In Reply to: it helps when the director's not a recluse or dead posted by Pitstain on February 06, 2002 at 01:22:04:
: and the films weren't made 15+ years before DVD even existed...
The 15 years thing isn't a big deal. Dead, yes. I can understand that they may not have had much to include and there is talk of another speacial edition collection (in the distant future) with a great deal of bonuses, but why call this one a collection then? If they wanted to just put the flicks out on DVD, why not simply do that? Don't shove it off on people as a collection. Agree, disagree, just my comments from the peanut gallery.
: the upgrade from VHS to DVD is like night and day...
If you insist. I still have a shitty ole TV so while I'm impressed, I'm not blown back with full effect.
: i'm in love with the SuperBit concept... even higher resolution DVD without ANY extras...
Ya well, to each their own my friend.