Posted by Hawk2K at on February 04, 2002 at 15:05:43:
In Reply to: I was sort of disappointed, honestly... posted by Isis on February 04, 2002 at 14:55:58:
: I had this impression that they might do something more political and daring, given that they've been such strong peace activists in the past. The U.S. flag on the inside of his jacket was cheesy. And to be honest, the whole patriotic theme was pretty damn corny. Everything was so war-oriented. What does football have to do with September 11? And if super-patriotism is the game of the day, why pick an Irish band to do it?
Especially since John Cougar Mellencamp was just sitting by the phone waiting for the call. When will our elected officials get off their butts and appoint "Pink Houses" the new National Anthem?
And, just for the record, there's one big similarity between war and football - both have their main fan base in the realm of fat guys sitting on their couches, watching the action on TV. The only difference is what network carries it.