Posted by Alisdair G at on March 08, 2002 at 16:58:17:
In Reply to: OT: anyone listening to Opie and anthony today? posted by O&Afan on March 08, 2002 at 16:47:03:
: ANyone listening to the '55 Gallon drum challenge' on o&a today.
: NY 102.7 3pm-7pm est
: They have 11 barrels with half naked women trapped inside. They are dumping various disgusting substances (chum, live crabs, spit from chewing tobacco, eyeballs, purified blood, etc) in every couple minutes or so.
: WHoever lasts the longest without begging to get out wins 2000 bucks. 2nd place 1000 3rd 500 bucks. Not worth getting some strange disease but the chicks dont seem to mind.
: even worse- in order to qulify these women had to do crazy shit as well. one dunked her head in a toilet for 30 seconds, one ate fresh lambs brain out of a god damn skull.
: WAY OFF TOPIC- sorry