umm, what is a "spoiler"...?

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Posted by the ahzi dahaka at on March 09, 2002 at 12:40:51:

uhh.. so this is the place eh? hmm... uhh.. well umm, sooo... anyone think the original planet of the apes would have been better if it starred jackie chan (or i guess bruce lee back then)? charlston heston (sp?) is a good actor and all but he absolutely sucks as a fighter (of course i guess his script writters were responsible for that).
soo... wow... i have absolutely nothing interesting to say!!! why did i come here?? well let me think about that... hmm... oh that's right, the whole jay n silent bob thingy. yeah.. alright, so that is the "why" now what should i do now that i am here...? i suppose i will just ramble on and on until i write something half-worthwhile... in other words i will be here for a while... okay... the hitchikers guide to the galaxy is quite spiffy, it is a book written by Douglas Adams, by the way, that attempts to pretty much explain everything about the universe, why we aer born, why we die, and why we do the things we do between those two events. the name is misleading, the book is titled "the hitchiker's guide to the galaxy", but it is really, in fact, about a book called "the hitchiker's guide to the galaxy"; the actually guide to the galaxy is something like an encyclopedia; except much much larger (like a whole planet is dedicated to holding all of the pages of it; something like 2 raised to the 10 millionth power or some crazy number that the author made up). conveiniently, the hard copy of the book was then entered into a computer, and it can be carried around; very neat. the point i am trying to make is they made a mini series about this book and i have no idea where to get it; if anyone else knows pretty please let me know eh?
hmmm... I WERK OUT!!! *goes silly*... hmm... do dinosaurs still live?... i sure see them holding hands a lot *rapes a camaro* i have a kaLieDOsCOpe!! *strangles a fraggile* LOOK IT'S SO COMPLETELY DEAD!!! NO ONE CAN PUNISH IT! how much pain from hell do you think those who died yesterday are in right now? ARe you a lesbian? we may have an office for that in back. that's a face. that noise that happens when you push down on a hamburger with a spatula; sounds like buried pig squeeling, i'm facinated. mother used to tell me to follow my dream in heaven im out put and made with clone SIMULATING first howd it would all be if i had despensed the time usage for my former friends and parents. i think that the rell ones get windows of oppourtunity to look into my preligatORIAL spasm of time that god has allowed me to reconstruct before i enter the relm of stuff and glear away forever into a technilogical eden no one wiLL FOLLOW. i might watch you burn in hell for all i know god, you left the green light on, do i LOOK? and anyone fascinated like you will desolve normality and wander for so long. i want a village of the daMMED haircut. wikker witches that reinitailize every molecular eterniTY REVOLUTION all the moloCULES in the UNIVERSE having to come full cirlce through time and configurations to make a flesh of you again? *sits indian style, eats shoe* syrup drips down. my hair dryer is blowing all red air at me(i think its pure sugar). do i unplug it? bghshssshshshshshshshshshhs now its on 3/heat i think im man enough. stenograspher>>> no this is a mistake a long mistake, a blunder, an part of my rsvp. makes me feel like slurpies im surethey could use alc0hol. I'm pretending I'm pulling in a TROUT! *throws tic tacs* oh coal is great, here its an aphrodisiac in this young adult part of life. what are coat hangers used for? umm perhaps i should lie down; i would but i am a stolen gem *becomes a shoe* nO...
yeah... ummm, mmkay. i still have no clue what the hell a spoiler is...
i remember my first comic books; my parents took them all away on account of them being evil! they really weren't but they said that they were (mainly x-men). it would have been the same thing if i would have brought home a bunch of cd's of music they didn't understand (therefore approve of). it is silly and sad, yet not far fetched, to think that high school is a model for american life; that is to say the social classes do not change much; they only grow, the preps become executives or something preppy, the nerds become something nerdy, the jocks wind up doing something dumb but difficult; and the pattern generally follows for anyone in high school as they product that they become is inducted into their mentality and thus makes up society. unfortunately there is another aspect of high school that is also transfered into society, and that is the pecking order. the spitefull agression of the seniors onto the freshmen. aside form being new there really is no reason to dislike anyone, and being new isn't a very good reason. but people do it only because it was done to them when they were a freshman/woman. (free thinkers are dangerous) this is terribly similar to the way people raise their children. parents have no real reason to raise their kids the way they do, they only know it was done to them as a kid so they should to it too. they know it isn't the right thing, but they can't help themselves. they have to take it out on someone; what they went through. they never question their own morals, it is the childs fault, because it wa always their fault when they were children, because they are a kid and couldn't possibly know better. they have children to relieve the misfortunes that come with living onto this child. the kid is forced to bare the pain of whatever each generation has been able to pass down. does their life really suck that bad? there are a lot of miserable optimist who think it will all be better one day; if religeon really believed there was an after life they would conduct sound expirements to prove it. and even if they didn't they should encourage abortions because it allows a child, who is automatically innocent to go straight to heavan (if there is, indeed, such a place); without going through the life they have to be faced with; BUT THEY CAN'T ALLOW THIS BECAUSE IT ISN'T FAIR TO THE ADULTS TO HAVE TO LIVE WHEN THE ONES THEY HAD HOPED TO PASS THEIR MISERY TOO GETS TO DIE. and it shouldn't stop there. they should have someone who is willing to sacrafice their soul kill many many christians to get them to heavan quicker; if that is indead the whole purpose of the church; but they aren't doing this; and in fact they encourage long life. in other words they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about and don't really believe it themselves. einstein once said that powerfull minds will always encounter the violent opposition of the average minded; or something like that. it seems like the more unbelieveable a religeon is the more relentless those who member it try to advritise it; i suppose they see it as the more people they get to agree with them the more they can believe it themselves (similar to sanity being the opinion of the majority). sad ass world we live in; so why do we? it must have something to do with ourselves since there is nothing else that really cares about us; no one has an opinion of us except our parents and children; our parents hate us and we hate our children (at least that is my story; of course i have no kids; nor will i). we shouldn't really pay attention to anyone because they aren't paying attention to us, it would make sense to say "just start being nice to people; kindness is contagous"; we can't change the entire world just by being nice to people; the world is too overpopulated with assholes and idiots, the moment they see someone giving of themselves freely they will take of that person freely until all of their resources are exausted (i know from experience) and once the well is dry they will find a new person to mooch off of and if they don't they will do irrational things. this is all why we should legalize murder. there would be a lot of dead people, but then again, what is soooo fucking important about keeping them alive?
anyway.. yadda yadda... time to play nintendo (gemini is a neat game, i think, but zelda is cooler)....

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