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Posted by Gasgin at on March 10, 2002 at 02:21:50:

Ok I know this message is being posted a little late. RfaD certainly isn't current gossip in the movie biz, but I've just gotta share with the world how profoundly disappointed I was in this movie. My friends have all been touting RfaD as the greatest fucking movie ever made. So I went out and rented it.... What a steaming piece. Ok, so it wasn't entirely bad. I guess It did have its share of redeaming qualities. The first time a Waynes brother's preformace HASN'T made me want to shoot myself, to name just one. And now that I'm thinking of it there were some good sylistic aspects that I felt were rather interesting. Not to mention Jennifer Connelly as some delicious eye candy. Whats the deal with her boobs though? Seems like she has enormous breast in some movies and none at all in others.
I suppose its a case of expecting too much. I figured the director that brought us Pie would have a little more to say about something as thought provoking as drug abuse. But no, he was really more interested in lighting the movie like a gap add and providing a stylish wardrobe for the cast.
Don't get me wrong, I liked Pie despite being put off by the confusing and almost laughable pop-math approach to story. I simply cannot forgive, however, having an overly simplistic moral forced down my throat by the ex star of MY SO CALLED LIFE. To top it off this movie is undeniably a hamfisted arty melodramatic turd. If I see that "cool" pupil dilating scene once more I am gonna puke. Yeah its a cool effect, but seriously, GET OVER IT. Besides, all those cuts to close up and silly noises seem to me to be more of a cover for the glaring lack of content rather than some stylistic statement. I can just imagine the director now...Jerking off to the thought of his own cinematic brilliance. Next time get your cock outta your hand and make a movie worth watching. Also if you're going to make a movie with a message you might consider setting it in the real world.

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