Posted by Honor_Spider at on March 08, 2002 at 15:25:06:
I loved their brief little piece in Scream 3. I was just thinking about that today, and it got me thinking about some TV shows that I would love to see J&SB on. This isn't a request Kevin, just a little fanatsizing so spare me the lecture on how it won't happen beucase I KNOW it won't.
ANY of the 3 Law & Orders. Maybe even all three in the same week. THAT would be funny.
The West Wing. Silent Bob and C.J. would make quite the couple wouldn't they?
ER. Jay in the Emergency Room. If done with bleeps that would be one hillarious episode.
The X-Files. They could be in the Series Finale! :-)
Oz. Like I need to say it.
South Park.
Smallville or Charmed.
What do you think of my stupid little list?