Posted by PretzelFan at on April 12, 2002 at 09:49:42:
In Reply to: That's crap too... posted by Halman on April 12, 2002 at 02:30:13:
For fuck sake people do you have to type something out explicitedly and then triple check it before running past a goddamn committee to put it up here. Yes i fucking know that most web companys use mac, ive probably known longer than you have. Arseholes are like opinions, the problem with the world is that there are too fucking many.
If you prefer something fine. Dont push it on someone else and dont fucking try and convince them with a range of facts or falacies that you think make them better. Im already in a lot of pain and out of painkillers, and stupid people just make it worse.
You know what? People like macs. People like PCs. Apples are prefered for design. PCs are more powerful. Thats fucking all. Now shut the hell up about this. Atleast once a day this board produces and argument like this and there is a saying that applies to it, never argue with an idiot people might not know the different. (and to the guy who wants to be smart right now and say ok i wont argue with you, fuck off).