Posted by phone monkey at on April 16, 2002 at 09:58:34:
In Reply to: I'm very confused at how the was supposed to.... posted by TheMadSpin on April 16, 2002 at 09:48:22:
: be clear. I'm not sure if you typed what you meant in the first post and it just didn't make any sense, but you were vague and spotty so there was little corelation between the two.
: Try to be more clear next time when you make your post and perhaps it will not make my brain hurt so much.
: Also, as for hoping your children are dullards so they don't think too much... well, that's very noble of you, but if you had bothered to read over your first post you would see that underthinking your original post, and not overthinking, is why no one got it.
: You know how you have that lesson in middle school math classes about word problems, and you always do that one section on problems with too little information. For example:
: David and Matt walked to the store to buy 24 apples for their mothers, the apples cost 34 cents a piece and you could fit 8 to a bag. How many pies can you make with 24 apples?
: You see, there is lots of information about apples and such there, but none of it helps you answer the question.
: That's how your original post was, making me think you missed that lesson in gradeschool.
: Please be sure to have your dullard children read over that chapter in their Houghton McMillan Math Books so that someday they can form a complete thought... oh, that time I was being a little rude...
and you named one of the guys in the story MATT! Funny! like apples, applesauce. Ha ha.
The pimp was right - I did post this before - expanded version on the last board, "Who are the Nobles?" This post was more for Amy and Malcolm, in case they didn't know there is this series coming out.
But I will think of you, the "noble" reader (see, I thought that part, where you said I was being "noble" was really funny too) in my future posts.
... and I'm spent.