Posted by Hugo A Go Go at on April 26, 2002 at 12:19:37:
In Reply to: an idea...... posted by HCH on April 26, 2002 at 11:40:22:
Dude - Posted that follow up, interesting what a small world it is. I only started that line of site to detract away from the fact that those guyz really really take those kind of boards too seriously.
Boards are fun and are a good source to talk to people of similar interests who know stuff that you friends (say) wouldn't. The gamefaqs website is a wicked example of somewhere you can ask for advice, give advice, voice opinions, etc, of the current crop of games on release.
A bit like those film sites but a tad more geeky.
Anyway, it never fails to disappoint me when a bunch of posters start to blaze people for no reason just coz they're outsiders. You know exactly what i mean - all you want to do is ask a simple question or give a simple opinion, and it ends in a gang up.
Well, that sucks - but it happens on gamefaqs ALL THE TIME, which is a shame but, hey, c'est la vie.
At the time i was trying to talk about the spiderman game for PS2 and was letting my self get wound up that it was turning away from the game to how good/shit the film is and how good/shit the PS2 version was compared to the Xbox one.
Anyway, i thought i'd chill these guys out by mentioning that neither spiderman/batman/darkman/punisher/xmen - whatever - was as good as jay and silent bob strike back - and i logically mused at how funny a jay and silent bob game would be.
Low and behold it's spread across to the view askew board in a matter of minutes.
It is a small world after all...
Mind you it doesn't surprise me. I locked horns with a poster over an issue on another game, i forget what, but i tried to cool him down with
'Sounds like Jay and Silent Bob hang around outside his Quick Stop...'
...And got a bigger response than the whole thread had until then!!!
So, don't blaze this guy for coming up with such a thread - blame me, i was just trying to cool some hot headed xbox haters down a bit.. - click the link to the spiderman board...