Thoughts on the Spiderman flick

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Posted by ScottMan at on May 05, 2002 at 03:34:57:

Just got done seeing it with a bunch o' buddies. And so, in no particular order, come my jumbled thoughts on the film.

Overall, it kicked ass. The intro was straight out of Batman, and Green Goblin = The Joker. Now, I know the Green Goblin was a total wacko, and it fit the character, but they could have done some not-so-rip-off scenes. That was horrible, but the worst thing was the use of the Alpha Centauri Laser Cannon for Spidey's web. Totally took me out of the moment, and suddenly I was thinking about building up an army to take on the forces of the Megacorp and his evil Psyworms. The sound designer oughta be flogged for that one.

Casting was perfect, although Willam Defoe could have tried to be a little more human. The thanksgiving dinner was wonderful, as was the photo scene with MJ at the beginning, and...hell with it. EVERYTHING involving natural human interest was great. I never thought Raimi was capable of such subtlety. I honestly wished they'd do a whole movie just about Peter and MJ, Harry and his father, Jameson, Flash, and the rest.

Exceptions: Peter getting on the bus at the start. HAR HAR he's a nerd we GET IT. OOOH, even the GEEKY girl won't let him sit by him. WOW THAT'S SO HARSH. Or the OH NO MJ HAS A ROUGH HOME LIFE, LOOK THEY'RE ARGUING, SEE SEE I CAN BE GRITTY. Jesus, Sam. Quit bashing us over the head. Try realism. It's pretty cool in films sometimes, especially when it's called for.

I swear, that was worse than hearing Anakin say "So have you; grown more beautiful, I mean" to Amidala in that SW2 trailer.


Some of the most memorable stuff: MJ asking, "Ohmigod Spiderman asked about me? What did he say?" The look on Peter's face as he goes after Ben's killer. Spiderman's appearance at the wrestling arena. The aforementioned Thanksgiving scene. And of course the bittersweet ending which could have been a horrible "get the girl at the end," but rather surprised me. (And I was rather surprised to be so rather surprised like that.)

Overall, like I said, great flick. It was everything I expected, and the well-done characterization actually took my mind off of where exactly Peter's webs came from (though I still don't quite understand why they changed that).

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