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Posted by myDogmajustkickedyourKarma at u91n95.syd.eastlink.ca on July 01, 2002 at 10:32:40:

In Reply to: Catholic Jon, late comics, sand in Affleck's butt. posted by Isis on July 01, 2002 at 10:12:32:

My religion which is Roman Catholic....now I am not one to talk reliogion or Politics but i just need to say this....not ALL Catholics are narrow minded, hypocritical, soap box preaching mindless twits.....and Yes I said twit...I believe in my religion but I don't necessarily agree with all things that The Vatican...Priests and Catholics preach....in my young age of 28 i have been through alot and questioned the Is there a God question...well yea there is But my belief which is just that MY belief is that there is ONE god and only one just all different races and cultures percieve this God in a different view and worships The God differently......but as far as Catholics go Many and I've encountered them Many are Hypocrites..ie: I once had my ex mother n law who cited me as a sinner cause i didn't regularly go to Church and was sleeping with her *angel* son and was in her opinion too opionated for a good catholic school girl...(I was 17 -18) when I became pregnant her first words out of her mouth was get an abortion....also my ex husband *then bf* lives in a very narrow minded small community and I stopped going to church the day I heard someone comment that it was sinfull i appeared in church with a pair of jeans on....so when I hear narrow minded hypocritaical statements from so called devout Catholics such as those I take it with a grain of salt and now go to different church..But I also Stay VERY open minded to others beliefs and religions...NOW I will get of my Soap Box ! :P

: Because I'm lazy I'm going to comment on everything on this board that interests me all at once. If you don't like it, suck it, and maybe you'll get to like it a little more.

: May I say first of all that I read the controversy (feel free to insert your favorite artist-now-known-as-a-symbol sexually delighted squeal here) over the late comics issue, and it was pretty darn funny. First of all, as a comics-ignorer, if there's Robin Hood sexual innuendo involved, I'm INTRIGUED. Why didn't anyone tell me comics were sexy? I know, I know it's obvious, Thora Birch in Buddy Holly glasses, but still -- I'm a girly girl, if it ain't got a little luuuuuv in it, I'm not into it. If the Joker's face peeling off from an acid burn didn't warp me -- if those wacky WWII Holocaust comics didn't warp me -- if finding my father's Crumb collection with the orgying, drug-taking Jesus character at age 8 didn't give me a complex -- a little trip through the Sherwood Forest ain't hurting noooooobody.

: And I thought it was kind of pathetic that people were complaining about comic books being late, but then again, I guess it just shows that they're big fans and all. Woop de doo.

: On to other things. I have a very important question for Beach Girl, as her post was unclear. If you were saying that you were the girl on the beach, well, I don't know that Mr. A is trying to send you a big message. People don't generally get nostalgic for sand in the jock. Anyway, we don't need to know these details. Unless you meant that the girl on the beach was Matt Damon, in which SPILL SPILL SPILL like the Exxon Valdez!

: Dobbin, this was never Camelot. Unless during King Arthur's reign, the peasants up in the gallery would yell "Donkey punch!" while old Arty was giving a speech.

: And I think the ending of Clerks isn't meant to make the movie less dark or more entertaining or anything like that. It's a different movie if the death ending stays in because it makes Dante's life more dramatic, more of an event. And the whole point of the movie is that his life is totally banal. Nothing exciting ever happens to Dante, not even getting shot. I like both versions of the movie, given -- the death bit even makes it more interesting -- but the version that was released is more consistent to the character.

: Now for Catholic Jon...

: : My question to the group is (and Kevin if he would like to join in) - What actions, short of a
: miracle, could happen in society to sway people to first learn about something before
: shunning/criticizing/protesting it?

: I think it's more difficult than you're making it out to be. We ALL judge things from our own perspective. Even if you claim to be a non-conformist, a free thinker, there are ideas and ideologies that you cling to, even if you're not aware of it -- ESPECIALLY if you're not aware of it.

: We could change our approach towards education...granted that in our culture, most of us sit in designated areas for a designated period of time and memorize designated facts. This doesn't help people to learn to use their imagination. Young children are open to everything. They want to touch everything, know everything's name, put everything in their mouths. Of course, to be open to every idea like that is dangerous -- you can't be open to the idea that the stove ain't gonna burn you, or that running around naked in the wintertime could be fun. You can't experience those things before condemning them (unless you have a lot of medical coverage).

: So, it's a challenge and a discipline. The easiest way to convince other people is by example, so why not question yourself? When are you being hypocritical, what dogmas do you subscribe to? People tend to be more open when they themselves feel accepted -- if you can find a level on which to relate to someone, maybe they will relate to what you're trying to say.

: I know more people who are like "gee, how can those horrible Catholics judge me" and then turn around and call the religion and its followers stupid, blind, etc. It's very easy to become what you claim to despise.

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