OPEN YOUR BOX! *insert wierd Yoko howling here*

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Posted by Isis at on July 09, 2002 at 13:13:44:

In Reply to: August Arena, Moving to LA., Yoko Lives (with KS)? posted by lojo on July 09, 2002 at 11:20:28:

Kiss kiss kiss kiss me love! Just one kiss kiss will do!

: The August Arena column and KS's justification about moving to LA are truly pathetic. Very depressing stuff. Turns out, KS really is just another asshole.

Starting things out on a spunky note, are we? I'll bite.

: Clearly, he is married to an ambitious woman who wants to be in LA instead of NJ for career and moved because he can still do his thing there

Okay, that would probably be why she sacrificed a nice job and her life in LA to marry a Jersey boy and spend -- what has it been? -- four or five years living along Hell's Turnpike, making no headway in her career, getting no professional recognition. Okay.

: fine but why hide behind "it's better for the kid" argument.. is he just being a coward and hoping to avoid a somewhat apt Yoko comparion?

Well, they smacked that old "hiding behind your kid" cliche on John Lennon too, if that's what you mean.

On the other hand, Lennon actually DID take time off from his career for the sake of his child. Smitty's just doing what every filmmaker does -- move to LA. He's only lived in Jersey all these years because he's wanted to.

: Who would ever claim that kids grow up more well adjusted in LA over NJ? Why the over the top characterization of "blizzard like wintes" and "humid hot summers" of NJ's relatively mild climate?

It's true.

: Why spend so much time detailing much worse deviant behavior of film people than leaving your roots?

Because it sells mags. And because hot gossip like that is hard to hold onto.

: Why can't his kid put on a coat and play outdoors if she is suddenly outdoorsy like thousands of other happy outdoorsy NJ kids?

Um, yeah, in the smog, right?

On the turnpike?

LOTS of sunshine and open fields in Jersey. You're making key arguments here.

: Why will being a little chunky ruin this kid (maybe her mother's diapproval of the kid's weight might be more of an issue)?

I think you have a point here. Adult attitudes are more damaging than anything when it comes to kids' self-esteem. Harley is a gorgeous child. If anyone is worrying about her ass at this early stage -- or ever, really -- they need to CHILL OUT.

: Why is it good to have a kid leave her entire extended family?

Yeah, because, they can't afford plane tickets at Christmas time. Poor Harley will never know she has grandparents *sob*.

: The worst is that KS is just not being a man.

He has a penis, doesn't he? The kid is evidence.

Oh, you meant like in the metaphorical sense. Let's think about this one.

He flipped nothing into something, made a successful career off of nothing more than wit and sweet moxie. He's richer than I'LL ever be. Check one.

He does pretty much what the fuck he likes, makes the movies he wants to make, goes outside the box (YES YOKO OPEN YOUR BOX!), talks shit to everybody and apologizes to no one. Check two.

He met a beautiful lady, sweet-talked her, got hitched, had a beautiful baby, loves the baby, takes care of the baby. Check three.

He gets laid on a regular basis, more than I can say for the dudes who frequent this board. Check four.

He's man enough to admit that he's fantasized about sucking cock. Check five, and it's HOT!

Where the lack of masculinity comes in, you'll have to let me find out.

: To me, the coolest thing about KS was that he built a real positive organization and was true to his roots.

This is very true.

: Leaving to LA means no more Red Bank, no more Jersey benefits, no more support/interaction with indie Jersey filmmakers etc. (did anyone else notice that his next benefit is in Beverly f... Hills?)

What interaction did he ever have with "indie Jersey filmmakers"?

All the "indie" VA filmmakers (and considering the money for their flicks came from a side deal with Miramax, I don't know how indie it is) are Smitty's friends. I'm sure he'll send his friends a card every now and then, don't worry.

As for no Red Bank and no Jersey benefits, I suppose we shall see. If you turn out to be right, I'll bitch right along with ya.

On the flipside, there are fans in Cali too who would love to be able to go to an event without paying beaucoup mileage.

: It is a huge thing to leave NJ after having built all this, so be a man and deal with what it means in a forthright manner rather than in a flippant offhand, poorly reasoned and written column.

Okay...printing your intentions in a widely circulated media piece isn't being forthright? ALL of the Arena columns aren't flippant?

Do you want him to sit you down and write you a personal essay, including thesis and at least three points of persuasion, every time he makes a decision regarding HIS life? Because THAT CAN BE ARRANGED!

: What's going to happen to your whole infrastructure, relationship with the producer, etc.? I understand moving for your marriage and I'm sure you don't like it but don't hide behind your little kid


Please. I'm sure he's not stupid and can figure out his business arrangements, but thanks for your concern.

: BTW: Your wife's analysis of Mulholland Drive was not compelling (masturbatory fanstasies don't equal great filmmaking and Lynch is a played out weirdo gasbag, one trick pony)

The David Lynch bitching board is -------> thataway.

: hanging a nude painting of yourself in your bedroom is not normal

Neither is tracking someone down on the net to give them your fully thought out opinion of their personal life and how they choose to live it.

: most real journalists don't want to be famous

Where are you getting these platitudes? Are you channeling all the wisdom of the universe? CELESTIA COME HOME! Somebody call Anne Heche's book agent!

: and constantly explaining why your wife's odd egocentric behavior makes sense is a real bad sign, so watch out.

Why don't you try minding your fucking business instead.

Seriously, you have ridiculous nerve. Nobody owes you an explanation about anything, particularly where they choose to set up house. You obviously don't respect Kevin or his family, so don't come here all like ohhhh I am a betrayed fan. If you respect the man, you respect his right to make ADULT decisions. But considering your version of "setting up house" is probably still putting your skid-marked drawers out in the hall for Moms to scrub and return, maybe your vision is a wee bit skewed.

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