FUCK FUCK FUCK *spoiler alert, Signs*

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Posted by razordu30 at ool-4352a660.dyn.optonline.net on August 08, 2002 at 00:25:10:

For almost a month now I've been completely avoiding any information about "Signs" because as much as I didn't like "Sixth Sense" or "Unbreakable", I really wanted to be surprised about "Signs".

See, I think too much of the movie was revealed in the trailer for "Sixth Sense" (like his ability see dead people) and I just didn't like "Unbreakable". But the trailer for signs didn't show ANYTHING, so I avoided ANYTHING about it, so I could be totally shocked.

*spoiler alert*

Okay, so up until an hour ago, I didn't know if it was aliens, a homicidal killer, a guy on a farm hallucinating, a nutcase schitso making the crop circles himself. Nothing. Now, my fuckin' girlfriend just saw it, and she's all like (spoilers) "ooh, the aliens did this, the aliens did that, there's this one part where M. Night says this creepy line, which goes as follows, "blah blah blah (the pantry quote thing)". Oh, and there's this funny part with tin foil and you HAVE to see it."

Fuck, I'm actually pretty pissed off right now. Then it's like, "blah blah blah water, blah blah blah I think it's about this and that." I even TOLD her to stop telling me about it, but as soon as she mentioned it was definately aliens, I just fuckin' slumped in my seat and let her ramble.

FUCK. I hate people.

-Ramon http://razor.ramon.com

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