Re: Attack of the Clones Extended Cut DVD?

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Posted by Taz Master at on August 08, 2002 at 01:10:29:

In Reply to: Attack of the Clones Extended Cut DVD? posted by Barry Woodward on August 08, 2002 at 01:02:28:

: Some guy at has posted what he claims is a list of deleted scenes that have been included in the movie and on disk 2 for the upcoming Attack of the Clones DVD release. Here is the list:

: DVD Cut:

: -Palpatine tells the Senate that Padme has been asassinated and then she shows up.
: -Yoda and Mace talk about Padme's asassination attempts, the Darkside, the Sith and bringing balance to the Force.
: -More footage of the Coruscant chase.
: -Anakin and Obi-Wan's encounter with the Outlander Club bouncer.
: -Jocasta Nu gives Obi-Wan background info on Count Dooku in the Jedi library.
: -Anakin's first nightmare on the refugee ship.
: -An edited down visit of Padme's family.
: -Anakin and Padme ride away on a shaak.
: -More cut lines added to the fireside scene.
: -Extended Obi-Wan and Jango fight on Kamino.
: -Padme gives C-3PO an oil bath while discussing her feeling for Anakin.
: -Padme meets with Dooku.
: -Anakin and Padme's trial.
: -A longer love pledge featuring more of Padme's pledge: "My love for you is a puzzle, Annie, for which I have no answers. I can't control it... and now I don't care. I truly, deeply love you, and before we die I want you to know." and also Anakin's pledge: "I have no desire to be cured of this love either. Long or short, I vow to spend the rest of my life with you." and they kiss again.
: -Extended Mace and Jango fight in the arena.
: -Extended lightsaber duels. More Obi-Wan vs. Dooku(with more Dooku dialogue), Anakin vs. Dooku(including more of Anakin's one lightsaber duel) and Yoda vs. Dooku(including Dooku fighting Yoda with two lightsabers). With the added footage the entire sequence flows much better.
: -Jar Jar Binks added to the group witnessing the star destroyers leaving for battle. He has a sad look on his face after realizing the ramifications of his actions.
: -The Japor Snippet Anakin gave Padme in The Phantom Menace is added to Padme's neck during the wedding scene.

: Disk 2:

: -Obi-Wan with the analysis droid.
: -Obi-Wan and Mace discussing Anakin and the Yoda probing the Darkside.
: -An extended conversation between Anakin and Padme while walking to the Naboo palace and an extended meeting with the Queen.
: -Anakin and Padme meet the naked C-3PO and Padme putting on C-3PO's coverings.
: -Obi-Wan vs. the Geonosis attack dogs and spying around.
: -Extended Tusken slaughter and aftermath.
: -Anakin tells Padme to stay on the ship after they land on Geonosis and Padme puts Anakin in his place and their alternative capture scene.
: -Storming the droid control ship.

: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

: What do you think?

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