Posted by SexyJ at on August 08, 2002 at 10:05:30:
In Reply to: YAY! posted by Championship_Vinyl on August 08, 2002 at 09:40:18:
i used to love that movie when i was little!! i loved mermaids and i thought tom hanks, john candy and eugene levy were hysterical. especially when tom put the novacane needle in eugene levys leg and it went limp. cmon i was 8---i thought it was hysterical. ok ok so i still crack up when i see that!!
: But why have you watched "Splash" a million times?!
: The only non-Hanks, non-Candy line I can remember is:
: "Welcome to the Statue of Liberty. The Statute was a gift from the French, sybolizing hope for naked women everywhere... BOCCI BALLS!"