Posted by KPSmithee at on August 09, 2002 at 12:31:21:
In Reply to: holyfuckholyfuckholyfuck posted by notaprettygirl on August 09, 2002 at 12:23:19:
: oh my god, you guys are never going to believe this!
: and if you read all of it, ill be very happy:)
: anna
: Hey Anna, would you be available for an interview,
: > on Saturday night.
: > The reason I ask is that I have a couple of friends,
: > Tom And Darryl, who
: > do a nation wide show, on a satellite network,
: > short-wave radio, and the
: > internet, every Saturday night at 11:00. The show
: > can be heard in
: > Canada, Mexico, England, and obviously, all over the
: > United States.
: > They are out of town, this weekend, so they have
: > asked me to do the
: > show. It's kind of a combination of talk, and
: > music, and it tends to be
: > pretty unstructured, and laid back. I figured that
: > this would be a
: > killer way to expose Rainn to a potentially very big
: > audience, while
: > still promoting the local benefit. The show will
: > originate from the
: > Wqna studio, and you could either come in, or we can
: > do it on the
: > phone. If you can't do it, or don't want to be up
: > that late, that's
: > cool, as we can always do something on another
: > night. It's just that
: > when they asked me to fill in on the national thing,
: > I thought of you.
: > Let me know, please. Thanks. Jim Pemberton