Posted by LoneGranger at on August 07, 2002 at 07:20:54:
In Reply to: break this up with my Poll posted by SHAFTR on August 07, 2002 at 01:59:44:
: 1.) Where would you rather live...Rivendell (LotR) or Naboo (SW)?
: 2.) Thoughts on the new slightly altered cola craze (ie vanilla coke, pepsi blue, etc.)
It'll pass
: 3.) NFL starts soon, interested...if so what is your team?
Not interested
: 4.) Widescreen or Fullscreen?
: 5.) thoughts on drugs?
I personally don't do them
: 6.) thoughts on tattoos? do you have one? what is it?
Want one, don't have it yet, it'll be the REquiem of spirit around my ankle
: 7.) should i follow the name change trend and change my handle to Rob(SHAFTR)?
Whatever makes you happy
: 8.) Song that you want played at your funeral. this point in time it would be Brahms cello sonata #1 in E minor
: 9.) Should certain View Askew alum be in Jersey Girl because they have been in every other VA movie?
Only if they expressed an interest...
: 10.) Religion...thoughts?
About my height, only thinner-Dave Barry