what's the ACTUAL error message?

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Posted by Pitstain at adsl-63-195-100-138.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net on August 07, 2002 at 12:25:45:

In Reply to: Hey Pitstain.... posted by Karla on August 07, 2002 at 04:34:45:

: I download them the double click it. It opens the Disk Copy...
: When it goes to mount....I get a failed to mount message.

what version of the OS are you running? 10.1? 10.1.4? 10.1.5?

there are three things to try.

1.) download the file linked below and drag one of yr .dmgs that won't
mount to it. then try opening the file. if that works then do it to the rest
of the files that don't work.

2.) open the dmgs from within disk copy (either by going to file/mount
image or by dragging the image to the disk copy window).

3.) get info on one of the dmgs and go to the "open with application"
section... if the icon and text for the program say anything BUT Disk
Copy then change it to disk copy. if you had to change it, you might
as well hit "change all"

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