Re: break this up with my Poll

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Posted by danlboy at on August 07, 2002 at 14:31:01:

In Reply to: break this up with my Poll posted by SHAFTR on August 07, 2002 at 01:59:44:

: 1.) Where would you rather live...Rivendell (LotR) or Naboo (SW)?

: 2.) Thoughts on the new slightly altered cola craze (ie vanilla coke, pepsi blue, etc.)
Vanilla coke is good shit, dont care for the pepsi blue or mountain dew red ans have yet to try the Dr Pepper red, but I'm not jumping in anticipation either

: 3.) NFL starts soon, interested...if so what is your team?
football shmootball

: 4.) Widescreen or Fullscreen?

: 5.) thoughts on drugs?
taken im moderation they can be good but dont overdo it

: 6.) thoughts on tattoos? do you have one? what is it?
I have over a dozen, everything from jesus to punk band logos to checky from rugrats and yes even a Jay & Silent bob

: 7.) should i follow the name change trend and change my handle to Rob(SHAFTR)?
No way, be a trendsetter, not a follower

: 8.) Song that you want played at your funeral.
im your head by screeching weasel. Deepest lyrics ever that hit home to me.

: 9.) Should certain View Askew alum be in Jersey Girl because they have been in every other VA movie?
not my call, Id love to see cameos but i can see Kevin wanting to keep away and try something new

: 10.) Religion...thoughts?
coincidentally the same answeras the drug question, lol. taken in moderation it can be good, but dont overdo it.

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