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Posted by little dumb fan at va-lexington1a-253.chvlva.adelphia.net on August 26, 2002 at 06:44:02:

In Reply to: Re: What's the deal with "DareDevil"? posted by Irradiated Haggis on August 26, 2002 at 04:56:08:

: I thought you were serious for a moment there...
: you werent serious were you?

To be honest with yous, I really don't know shit about it. I looked it up on imdb and saw Kevin is a cast member, and Affleck is the star or some shit, and it's going to be out in 2003.

And then I read down the board a bit and Kevin posted he has high hopes for it. I was just kinda hoping for a breif, all-encompassing synopsis of Kevin's role in the movie and the making of it (writing etc.), and the gist and genesis of the movie itself.

I don't know the first thing about comics. Not because I don't want to know shit about them, but because the first thing that ever propelled me into wanting to know about comics was Kevin, and the veiw askewniverse.

So, basically I was just looking for a little insight on the matter, seeings how I don't know shit about the project, from beginging to end, and imdb wasn't very helpful in this matter.

So, in other words, pathetic as it may be, I was/am serious.

What's the friggin deal with Daredevil?

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