Posted by BrodySharkFood at on November 12, 2002 at 19:21:28:
I read a report from a Hollywood Marketing Mag that says Kevin's Smith new film is gonna bomb in theaters. They site his last two films as failures: the reason they give is cause he barely made his money back on them and has to hit the DVD market hard just so he can turn a profit for Miramax. The mag goes onto to site Miramax's marketing department at fault. They fumbled the ball on the Clerks cartoon (too few people even knew it was on prime time-- no viewers = no word of mouth = no nielsen ratings = cancellation!) Plus they cite Kevin's poor PR abilities saying he's trying to hard to personally push his films for the wrong reasons
"The filmmaker markets his low budget features to the same mainstream audience that embraced Spiderman. Of course one can only expect disappointment from the box office given Spiderman's much larger budget for marketing domestic and abroad...Why Kevin Smith would ever try to market his cult films to a larger audience is beyond even the least rational of filmmakers? One can only guess that he feels slighted by a Hollywood that has bestowed great fortune upon fellow b-movie directors Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi while leaving him out in the rain...Maybe Kevin Smith should make learn from his predecessors and direct more films before expecting the audience to blindly embrace his low budget flicks as the next Blair Witch Project...Ultimately, films like Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back and Jersey Girl will be remembered as indie-film angst dressed in Hollywood Drag."
My question is how this guy knows that Jersey Girl is gonna flop? He makes a compelling argument that Miramax will not put Kevin's new film on enough screens for it to make any serious cash. In addition to that, he says that Harvey Weinstein will not give him near enough cash to promote the film (ie. less cash = less tv spots). This make more sense since Kevin said Clerks was gonna go to theaters but after Kevin bitched about J&SBSB didn't do well on the board, I have yet to see this theater release of the cartoon.
Oh well. Guess, we'll have to wait for his other films to go straight to video.