Posted by Isis at on December 04, 2002 at 18:06:48:
In Reply to: First off, good seeing you around here posted by GuinnessGuy(poolboy) on December 04, 2002 at 10:51:06:
I don't think you have to worry too much about being sued, unless you're planning to make a lot of money off this thing. I don't know why you'd need insurance either, except for the equipment -- unless you're doing stunts or something. Anyway, good luck! And I'm with you on the BHD thing, I don't know why Lynch has abandoned the poor baby, except he's got other stuff on his plate.
Thanks for your answers, this is definitely food for thought.
: : 1. What's it about? Give me the basic, basic plot and/or theme in three sentences or less.
: --Not to give out too much as of yet, but the one we have finished is about a inventive guy, his dreams to retire by the age of 35, his terrible business ideas, and his terrible luck with all women
: : 2. What inspired you to write it? Be honest, if you want to make money or meet Natalie Portman, those are as good reasons as any.
: --It is pretty much a true story about a good friend of mine, he has great ideas and they make money....but they make money for other people, not him.
: : 3. Did you attempt to use proper script language and format, or did you just lay out the basic dialogue and action notes? If you did use proper format, did you find the discipline helpful or not, creatively?
: --I have no clue on proper script language, we wrote some dialog, and then I bought a book so that I could show the screenplay to others without being embarrassed about the look of it.
: : 4. What do you want to do with it -- sell it? Direct your own low budget version? Translate it into another medium? Lock it in a drawer and never speak of it again? How are you going about your plans for it?
: --We wrote it so that it could be done low budget, so what I am saying, is that is dialog based. The big thing was to NOT rip off Kevin's style or anyone elses for that matter....a lot of time we would have conversations in our Chapter Room and we would tape them. Because we often had great conversations in there, we used the tapes to help develop dialog. Like being a fly on the wall type thing. Now we are looking for someone willing to help film something since I don't want to buy a ton of equipment. Not to mention we are in Indiana, so it is tough to find rental companies. We have locations scouted and owners are all willing to sign off to let us use the places free of charge...but then you start to read books about wavers for this, insurance for that...and you really start to get nervous because you are afraid that making this fun little flick is going to get you sued or something. I give props to Lynch, Vincent, and the gang for going through with be honest it scares the hell out of me....but we think we can make a good we shall see.
: : 5. If anyone knows...if you write a script based upon real people and events, but some characters are combined, events altered, and names changed, are you obliged (legally, I mean, not morally) to contact those people and get their permission? Especially if the subject matter is sensitive?
: --We based this off of the lives of the two writers just us writing about us. The events are all created.
: : 6. What do you think are the relative advantages of directing your own low-tech version vs. trying to sell it to Hollywood?
: --Make it low tech, show it to people on the internet, people laugh, you did your job. Go for the Hollywood sell....I can't see other than making cash, a reason to look for that right off the bat...I want people to see what I have to offer, not what the Hollywood machine made me be....
: : 7. Are you finished? If so, did you find writing it to be a rewarding experience, regardless of your future plans for it?
: --It has been fun, but took a ton of work that I didn't know it would....and hell, it hasn't been shot yet....
: : 8. If you could write a screenplay based upon any book/song/folktale/urban legend/painting/other existing piece of art, what would it be? How would you change or adapt it to the screen?
: --Being from Indiana, we have enough urban legends to bring back horror flicks...and with enough digging you could find a story that is true. I could tell you about the upsidedown arc built by a racist. He gives tours of it...and tells you how the devices for tourture were formed....sick stuff....would be a creepy ass movie....and it's all true...
: : 9. If you could rewrite any existing movie that had a great concept but crappy dialogue/execution, what would it be? How would you change it?
: --Birds of Prey on the WB....I think a four year old could have made that better.
: : 10. The Brian Lynch special: if you could write a sequel to any existing movie, what would it be? What would the basic plot be?
: --I would just steal BHD and actually release it on DVD...and stop holding out on my loving fanbase....because doing so really hurts my feelers.