Posted by KSmithee at on December 06, 2002 at 16:40:39:
In Reply to: im sure... posted by EmbryPotZebra on December 06, 2002 at 16:33:25:
: the only reason you're still being able to post your horrible excuses for sending child porn, is because ming has not seen the post yet. but im sure he'll have no problem in deleting it, and your screen name when he's done. Oh, but I'm sure you have so many others: OoCumIntoMyVan69, childACTorsNeeded50, oLdMANyungheart, IMdirrtySOrU, BoyScoutleader, FatherInyourHoleA... anymore tool?
I am sure I will get banned for making a mistake. Lets beat a deadhorse some more why don't we. It is obvious your whole intention was to start shit but what else is new. Talk about pedophile, I couldn't come up with those screenames if I tried.
It's not like that is my website that was linked any way. Why not send the creator of that site an email of your disgust.
I think this is hilarious coming from the guy that pretended to be Kevin's kid while cracking jokes about pedophilia.