Posted by MovieFan77 at on January 03, 2003 at 00:07:33:
In Reply to: few questions reagarding lotr posted by whynotsmile99 on January 02, 2003 at 23:39:44:
: i love the new cut of the movie. its fantastic. when i saw it in theaters it didnt connect with me for some reason. i think i was lost. so i bought the dvd anyway and its now one of my favorite movies. it was amazing. 3 1/2 hours went by in no time. it was remarkable. i was nearly in tears at the end. very powerful stuff. anyway, a few questions. please forgive the fact that i do not remember all the names of characters. ok here goes;
: 1. gimli, the elf guy, and the other human played by sean bean all seem to repersent their kind. why were they chosen for the fellowship? out of all the elves, dwarfs and humans in middle earth, why were these 3 so important? were they some sorta of senator or something
: 2 isnt it a bit far fetched that merry and pippen were allowed to become part of the fellowship? sam i understood, but the other 2 really had no reason of going. they just fucked shit up and were the comic relief i guess.
: 3. the is a part in the new cut of the movie (not sure if its in the original) where cate blanchett is getting possesed by the powers of the ring. this was amazingly cheesy. bad sound effects and they made her look shitty. did this look silly to you?
: 4. at the end of the movie, when frodo decides to go on the journy to mordo alone, is he doing this because
: A: he fears he will bring the death of all the members of the fellowship
: or B: he fears the further they go, the more chance someone will try to take the ring, since its power is growing and growing.
: if the answer is b, how come sam never seems attracted to it?
: and isnt it a bit far fetched that frodo and sam would go alone. how could their be any hope that frodo would complete the mission without the rest of the fellowship
: thanks
Who gives a hell. Im sorry but i can not sit back and watch a movie that is based an a boring, lame ass, book that was shoved down my adolecent pie hole. real movies have substance and unless it was a comic book at one time, minimal amounts of elves. thank you.