Posted by Blake Wallington at on January 03, 2003 at 00:43:24:
In Reply to: Bite me sideways stink fist! posted by fightclubchuckie on January 03, 2003 at 00:23:12:
: Is there any truth in what I hear about a Pete and Pete DVD coming out?
ALRIGHT, cristina ricci is from montcalir, nj. my sister used to baby sit her at the Montclair Beach Club, a private pool in the suburbs. sis even has a Dixie's Diner commercial era autographed picture, i'm talkin' pre adams family, or right after she shot it, but before it was released. ANYWAY, one day the adventures of pete and pete came to the montcalir beach club to shoot the episode where little pete has a pirate ship tattoo on his back. the production used the MBC 'swim team' members ages 10-14 as extras. these kids thought they where the shit, it was fuckin' annoying to watch. one girl, this bitchy little blonde, Laura, hated cristina ricci and started getting all "i'm gonna be in pete and pete and you're not," it was all said in a very f you kinda way. little cristina replied, "why should i care about stupid pete and pete, i'm in the new Aadams Family movie." ah kids.
last year i was working as a production assistant in ny on some shitty commercial, in the same studio,woody allen was working on his new movie starring Cristina Ricci, among others. i hadn't really seen her in 10 years, but i had to talk to her when the two of us were out back having a smoke, it went like this,
"Hey, you used to go to the montcalir beach club, didn't you?" (stupid, i know)
she replies, "wow, yeah, that was a reeally long time ago" (bitch)
"yeah, my sister used to babysit you, Kari?"
"oh yeah, how is she?"
"she's good."
"good, tell her i said hi." (she snubs her cig about 8 puffs too early and runs back inside)
one day we'll be together, even if i have to peel her skin off and wear it as a jacket. (not a serious threat)