Posted by whynotsmile99 at on January 03, 2003 at 01:12:10:
In Reply to: Mom's suck posted by noonch69 on January 03, 2003 at 00:30:01:
: My mother, who has been pretty fucking cool with things I watch and buy, finally got around to sneaking around my room and started watching videos and dvds of mine. She came across my collection of Kevin Smith movies and DVDs (containing the classics, of course, including the Clerks Cartoon dvds and An Evening With Kevin Smith) and began watching them. She has now deemed them inappropriate and has taken them away. Yeah. This really sucks. Oh Kevin Smith, will you not call my mother and tell her that dick and fart jokes can't possibly be THAT bad for a teenage lesbian and that teenage lesbians need role models like Joey Lauren Adams in Chasing Amy? ::Whimpers, crawls away for an unknown reason::
since your 17 or 18 im guessing your still in high school like me. my mom gets very teary eyed whenever i mention going away to college. try that with her. "moooooooooommmmmyyy im gonna miss you so much when im away at college. ill just never get to see you again for a long long time. yes mom i do want to go to college in russia. so far away.......etc etc"