Posted by suesue at on January 09, 2003 at 23:21:31:
In Reply to: 5 dvds for 49 cents posted by whynotsmile99 on January 09, 2003 at 22:47:32:
I did the deal back when it was only 4 dvds for $.49 each, but I actually really like it. I had to buy a certain number of dvds at regular price, but it's not so bad. They have all these sales all the time, plus now you can earn this funcash stuff, which you can use towards other dvds. I ended up getting the animated Clerks and Mallrats SE for $12.95 each during one of the sales. My last shipment was 4 dvds for a like 65 bucks, including shipping, which I think is a pretty good deal. Sometimes they have sales that are like buy one dvd at regular price (which can be one of the ones you have to buy) and then unlimited dvds at the sale price (can be $12.95, half regular price, $10 off, etc.). Oh, and they do have that director's selection every month, but you can decline it online or by calling an 800 number, so it's not as annoying as it used to be. Anyway I like the club and haven't had any problems so far. Just my thoughts on the subject...
: im considing joing that columbia deal, where you pay for 5 dvds for 49 cents, plus s&h. then you buy four more dvds priced at 20 bucks or more over the next 2 years. probably comes out to 23 bucks each dvd with s&h. i think its a pretty good deal. any thoughts or suggestions about joining? i was a memeber of the cd club once. it was strange. i got my 5 free cds, and that was that. never got billed, never got sent anything say i need to pay. so i got em for about 20 bucks, due to all the shiping. not bad at all.
: the movies i would be getting for 49 cents are:
: usual suspects se
: snatch se
: holy grail se
: pulp fiction se
: and mallrats se
: i was planing on getting the wall and jaws, but i can find those cheap