Posted by SilentBobette at on January 10, 2003 at 18:33:20:
(I posted this over at Newsaskew, and thought it might be fun to see the reaction over here...)
OK, maybe I'm a little late to join in this conversation, but why does Vulgarthon have to be held on ANY coast?? What's so damned great about the coasts? I love the midwest.
I think we should make everyone on the coasts that are bitching so much travel equally to get to the Vulgarthon-- Hold it in St. Louis! Not only is airfair to here cheeper than to either coast (or Chichago, even), a venue is cheeper and it's a damn nice town that could use the tourism. Hell, I'll even find the perfect place for it if Kev asks me nicely. :-)
And yes... if it's held in St. Louis *I* could actually attend. Just a little bonus for me. *grin*