Posted by no one of consequence at on January 12, 2003 at 11:57:16:
In Reply to: Jesus=terrorist?? posted by the mollusk on January 12, 2003 at 09:59:42:
: Democrat Peacenik Ramsey Clark Compares Jesus to Terrorist
: "Former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark Wednesday compared Jesus Christ to a terrorist during a media event for a new anti-war group," reported today.
: Clark, who served in Lyndon Johnson's administration, said Wednesday: "The Christian Church overwhelmingly - there are exceptions - who choose to call Mohammed a terrorist. They could call Jesus a terrorist too. I mean, he was pretty tough on money lenders a time or two."
: Clark expressed his admiration for Muslims by pointing to the U.S. prison population.
: "The greatest moral force there by far is Islam because it is present in the prisons," said Clark. "They're the ones that are respected. They're the ones that are up at up at 5 a.m. and worshiping. They're the ones that are praying five times a day and not ashamed to submit themselves to what they believe is a greater power."
: Clark failed to note that Muslim extremists are using the U.S. prison system to recruit American blacks as terrorists.
: He said Americans should not be wary of Islam. "We have to live together. You can't do that by being leery of a billion and a half people who are very devoted to what they believe in."
: Clark is involved with a group that calls itself Act Now to Stop War and End Racism, which is "demanding access to the White House and the Washington Naval Yard to inspect for weapons of mass destruction, and protesters were urged to show up dressed like United Nations weapons inspectors," reported's Michael Betsch and Scott Hogenson.
The weird thing is, though, that the Internation Action Center behind ANSWER is mostly members of the Workers World Party, a socialist/communist group that wants to outlaw private property. They just use racism, anti-globalization, and anti-war to get people out and then pass the hat around to get donations at these events and try to recruit. Not that I'm villifying anyone who's against a war, I just think ANSWER is probably not the most honest organizer for a political rally.
With spiels like "say no to racism", you've got to admit it's a little heavy handed. If I don't go to the communist rally, I'm pro-racism? That's ridiculous.
Jesus obviously wasn't a terrorist, and muslims are as varied as all other people are. Clark's anti-christian remarks are as repulsive as the columnist's anti-muslim sentiments.