Posted by VioLenT BoB (Dr.J0nes) at on March 21, 2003 at 16:07:44:
In Reply to: Mewes is a junkie.. posted by Gabe S. on March 21, 2003 at 15:42:16:
For one:
I've only met Jay about maybe 6 or 7 times, but I'd be willing to be that only a few times did he not bum a smoke off me. When you smoke a lot of cigarettes, you tend to run out.
Nowhere in that post did the author suggest Jay was 'high', he said drunk. Which unless its a Sunday and you're a Baptist Minister who doesn't allow dancing, everything is a-okay legal.
The point is are you all so fucking petty to throw your righteous indignation onto a man you've never met, and then so not even to his face but on a fucking message board? A message board that will be read by his friends and see the heaps of pity and shite piled upon someone they care about and wish could get some help.
When it comes to the wellbeing of another person, especially a person that you've never interacted with or have no personal knowledge of; Just keep your fucking mouth shut.
You know what you know about Jay from what Kevin tells you and from, aside from that you've got hearsay and judgmental bullshit. Not to mention the people talking all this shit about losing respect for the man, will be the first ones posting "hi(gh) Jay! What's up" when that peculiarly lower case enemy of spelling known as Deadshot1 pops back on the board.
I hate to rant, but it's shit like this that really gets me.
"You don't know my name, don't say it."--Christopher Rios