Posted by BrianWebber at on April 09, 2003 at 03:26:10:
In Reply to: Kevin "Can't Open A Film" Smith posted by on April 09, 2003 at 03:17:29:
: : what do you call someone who badmouths someone that he or she has NOTHING TO DO WITH on his webboard for no reason?
: ANSWER: Independent thinker. Kevin Smith has made a career from challenging unpopular thinking with his outrageous dialogue. Why does he have the right and not me? Because he has some money? [Note to self: Even if I get one person NOT TO SEE a Kevin Smith film, then I'm making the world a better place (and I've gotten many people I know NOT to see his stupid films... just imagine all the money I'm losing for you guys :)].Do you do anything on this site other than EMOTE. Look, these people (fans like yourself) are ridiculous because all they do it tow the line that Kevin "I can't open a film" Smith is all that he thinks he is. A REAL FILM COMMUNITY would entertain REAL debate and dialogue (positive and negative)the benefit of which would improve the quality of films and culture. However, like a bad indie version of the "Emperor's New Clothes" Kevin Smith has intentionally confused lip service with feedback. Basically, he only likes art and culture if the outcome favors Kevin. So as long as Kevin continues to corrupt the tastes of my culture with thoughtless crap, I'll continue to spread bad word of mouth. And it's working... he hasn't had a successful film since Chasing Amy.
He's this troll that used to start all sorts of problem at Homophobic, anti-semitic, sexist, racist, fundamentalist, British (well, I like most Brits I met, I'm just saying this for compelteness), 15 year old fuck-hole with the temper of a rabid wolvering, but with much less finesse. The man is almost single handedly responsible for the Great NitCentral Flame War of '01 that left many board decimated (by the indescribaly large numbers of posts deleted ore dited), and sent many verteran Nitpickers scurrying away for their lives (OK, only for thier patience and sanity) and only a scant few of them have returned (former Non-Sci-Fi Novels moderator Jared Todhunter is missing and presumed frustrated).
I only ask because you remind me of him a little.