Posted by cokechic at on July 17, 2003 at 02:35:55:
In Reply to: A middle of the night poll posted by Kimberlieo on July 17, 2003 at 02:25:54:
: Have you ever watched a movie..only to realize "hey that character is so ME"?
Not that I can think of... but my mom saw some movie with the black version of me- of course she was drunk when she called
: What is on your feet right now?
a toe ring
: Have any odd hobbies?
posting on this board
: How about odd talents?
I can put on lipstick without using my hands... wait that's a movie. I guess no.
: Why do you come to this board?
To find out when new toys are coming out so that I can give Kevin Smith my money
: Write a message to a board poster you admire:
shitty speller- always finds interesting shit to post and does not go apeshit somebody calls him a pussy
: Write a message to a board poster you loath:
Loath... that would have to be GDAWG. Go back to the pound where yo crackhead moms left you.
(Actually he was great comedy!!)
: If we were to have a theme day on the board what theme might you suggest?
Ooohhhh- characters from movies we hate day... that should get some good ol' flamin going
: Why are you up so late? (international posters, please humor me)
can't sleep... insomnia...
: On a scale of 1 to 10 how many numbers are there?
10, I guess... is this a trick????
: Answer any old question you like here:
I just saw your post on the last board about colby cheese and granny smith apples with a side of TY... very yummy!!!!