Posted by Elmo Machete at on July 25, 2003 at 22:28:23:
In Reply to: A Poll for "true believers" and casual fans alike! posted by ChrisMoses on July 25, 2003 at 21:08:30:
Yes, I'm a comic fan, before you ask.
: Spider-Man
I think it did about as well as it could've, and I really liked it.
: Daredevil
Daredevil isn't a mainstream enough character for non-comic fans to understand, so this one suffered sort of. Most people I talked to considered it an action movie, which it isn't. I liked this one, too.
: X1
Okay. I could've done with less of The Wolverine Show, but that's just me.
: X2
I want to have Nightcrawler's baby. He's my favorite X-Character (alongside Havok, but only in Mutank X continuity), so lots of Kurt=lots of love from Elmo.
: Hulk
Didn't like it that much, but that's because the reel broke while I was watching it and I didn't see the whole thing.
: Bathman (First).
I wasn't around for the first Bathman, I didn't start reading comics until about '98, so I had already suffered through the two biggest pieces of shit ever.
: Also, should they continue making comic movies?
So long as they don't suck as much as the Fantastic Four movie, and they keep making money, go right on ahead.
: What about the Elektra side project?
No. No, no, no, no. Yes. Wait, I mean no. When I heard they were working on a Daredevil sequel as well as an Elektra movie within the opening weekend of the films release, and when they started work on Hulk 2 BEFORE THE FIRST ONE CAME OUT, I shook my head. Some movies shouldn't be made into franchises, they should just be left be. Like Blade. I liked Blade 2, but they're pushing it.
: Will you see Punisher?
Probably, because I make it my duty to see all comic movies. Even LXG and the god-awful Captain America movie.
: What comic movie are you anticipating, and who should (If not announced yet) play the protagonist and antagonist (Hero and Villain)?
One that's already in the makes/ I dunno. I guess I'm waiting to see how DC screws up Batman and/or Superman again.