Posted by Heather~This Space For Rent~ at on August 12, 2003 at 03:07:44:
In Reply to: Where do I start? posted by DHev276 on August 12, 2003 at 02:24:22:
pack up your stuff move to hollywood blinly with no job or place to stay, go to kinkos, make like, 4873856485439594359 coppies of your script, to save momney try getting a job there and doing it for free on the graveyard shift
then proceed to mailing your script to every single person you can find addys for in hollywood
make sure you do the whole thing where you get notice when its been recieved from the post office an dkeep it so when your movie appears i theaters but slightly changed and it becomes a blockbuster, you can sue them and be rich...
once you have sued them and gotten rich, build a big house in california and start writing more scripts and shopping them around with the weight of the fact a judge of the state of california courts made a judgement in your favor proving you wrote that blockbuster that has now turned into a tastey little franchise of fast food tie ins, toys, comics and clothing. and you are willing to write the sequel!
ok.. now here is where it gets tricky,
th sequel bombs,
you cant get any face tiome with aby execs, you start smoking crack and blowing money on hookers,
you lose your house, wife, cars and even your dig leaves you.
pack all your stuff in your car and move back to your home town blindly with no job and no place to stay.........repeat if nessaccary