Posted by CoreyY at on September 18, 2003 at 16:32:15:
In Reply to: California Recall posted by lil clerk on September 18, 2003 at 16:01:00:
** I think this is sort of the natural (if you can call it that) progression from the last Presidential election. We're living in an age of gratuitous litigation here in the US and it's finally spilling over into the electoral process in a very noticable way. So now someone gets elected, out of apathy and no real viable alternative on the ballot because of the crippling aspects of a the current two party majority system (even in California). So then someone from the other party scrounges up enough money and signatures and you've got a recall in California. It's not impeachment, you don't need a reason or a criminal charge, just money and signatures. So of course the democratic party is going to fight back and bring it to the courts, and then a group of 3 appointed individuals decide the course of an election...until the next move in this little chess game we call politics. So now it's going to go to the supreme court, and if they overturn it they look like a bunch of horse's asses since they took the same position in the 200 election in favor of Bush. If the supreme court does overturn the 9th circuit decision, then it just makes them look like a bunch of party-line pupptets (which, well...they are, but appearances have to be maintained).
What a mess...I hope no other states have anything like this recall law on the books, otherwise this country is going to be in for a lot more messes and a lot more bad quips on CNN.
My second post and I'm already getting political, wee. **
: I live in California, and in the midst of this recall. Now the court is postponing it, gee think the judge is a Gay Davis, sorry, Gray Davis suporter. What do you guys think about it?