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Posted by turningintoJerry at on September 18, 2003 at 20:00:00:

In Reply to: Favorite Cartoon? posted by lil clerk on September 18, 2003 at 19:41:42:

: What is everyone's favortie cartoon show, besides Clerks.

First, Clerks doesn't even come close to being my favorite cartoon. No offense to Kevin, it's really funny, but there have been some genius cartoons in the past. If you mean Adult cartoons then it's a toss up between Family guy, and The Critic. Both show canceled by fox, yet each supremely funnier than the Simpsons.

When it comes to Family Cartoons you have to choose between old and new. New cartoons are crap for the most part. I don’t care how big a following it has, ANIME IS CRAP, including the American copies. The only newer cartoons that are any good at all are Samurai Jack the Justice League (which still hasn't really impressed me). For the cream of the crop you have to go back a little ways. Cartoons like Garfield and Friends, Tailspin, Darkwing Duck, Tiny Toons, Animaniacs and Batman where the height of cartoons for our generation. Now if you go way way back, nothing can ever beat the classic Looney Toons, but that's a given.

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