Why God, why does this case have to be taking

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Posted by BrianWebber at ts007d08.den-co.concentric.net on September 18, 2003 at 21:39:46:

In Reply to: WHoo! Kobe's in some deep shit posted by shitty speller...DEAL WITH IT! on September 18, 2003 at 20:25:23:

: incase you arn't watching the news right now, and enjoy stupid cases such as this one, the sherriff of LA just disclosed information that a hit was placed on the woman Kobe allegedly raped. A man was going to kill her for 1 million dollars. I just got the end of the press confrence, but from what I could tell, he wrote a letter to Kobe, or Kobe sent a letter to him. So they are trying to connect Kobe to the shit.

: Hmmm

: this is getting interesting now. I smell TV movie

place in MY fuckign state? Can't Colorado get in the news for somethign OTHER than a basketball getting his mac on, strangled beauty queens and their murdering mothers, and two dumb white fucks shooting up a school in a rich part of town? WHY?!?

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