Posted by Typpzy at on September 19, 2003 at 17:29:58:
In Reply to: Arguing from things you know nothing about. posted by Smalls on September 19, 2003 at 13:59:56:
: Seriously.
: How can you make all these assumptions about people you don't know?
: I understand, you've had a bad divorce but... that's no reason to critique the relationship of two people who you know nothing of except papagossip... on the web site of one of their close friends.
: It's like... you were crippled by slipping on a bar of soap and now you've barging into the houses of people you believe have soap and yelling at them about the folly of soap and how it will break their legs and ruin their lives.
: You know nothing about them. Maybe they have one of those suctioncup soap-holders, maybe they use liquid soap and those little scrunched-up plastic things. And... most people who DO use soap... are never crippled by it.
: It's odd. How could you have insight on their soap use?
: Er, lives?
: Mike