General... hey, waitaminute, I asked them! ANSWERS

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Posted by Elmo Machete at on September 17, 2003 at 20:19:54:

In Reply to: General Curiosity POLL posted by Elmo Machete on September 17, 2003 at 20:14:31:

: You real first name, and age?

: How many people live in your house?
Seven (wow, I didn't realize it was so many) - Me, my father, my older sister, her boyfriend, their son, my little sister, and one of their friends.

: Do you like the area where you live?
Long Island - Any complaints I have can be balanced out with things that are pretty good, so yeah, it's tolerable.

: Biggest (and most incorrect) stereotype about people from that area?
That we're all rich, insane celebrities like Mariah Carey or the Baldwins.

: Are you a vegetarian/vegan?
Nope. In fact, I'm not even sure why I asked this. I think it's because I'm eating a sweet-ass pork chop, and listening to old Goldfinger CD's.

: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
(holds arms out wide) I love you THIS much!

: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Because he heard that ben and Jen may have broken up on the other side! He was quickly run over by a truck on the trip across.

: What would YOU do for a Klondike bar?
Heh, I said "dyke", kinda. Heh heh heh...

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