Posted by Gabe at on September 17, 2003 at 20:27:57:
In Reply to: Well, that pretty much sucks. posted by Tom (POJK) on September 17, 2003 at 20:21:21:
: -- It's always fairly horrible when this happens, no matter what the age, but it's maximised when the sufferer's so young. Stupid crappy cancer...
: : But.. We found out earlier this month that a good friend of mine has cancer. He's been in treatment ever since but hasn't responded at all.. The doctors said that he was terminal and didn't give him but until the end of the year. Though I'm not a religious person, I'm asking those who are to keep him in your prayers (Hey, you never know).. He's only 16, I know people die every day, like I've stated myself, but I suppose when it's a close friend it seems to hit home. His name is Cory.. So yeah.. Just thought I'd share, sorry for the OT post.
: : -Gabriel