I'm a living example of miracles coming true.

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Posted by Cheesy1 at adsl-67-113-57-219.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net on September 17, 2003 at 22:06:00:

In Reply to: I appologize for this... (ot) posted by Gabe on September 17, 2003 at 20:03:22:

Tell him to not give up hope. When I was four, I was diagnosed with leukemia, and I was pretty bad for a while there. But with a little work and lot of praying, I suddenly did a 180 and started getting better. You may not be religious or believe in any of that miracle stuff, but I for one can't deny miracles due to my experiances. I'll pray for your friend Gabe. It may happen for him too.

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