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Posted by Will Turner, Karaoke King at on September 18, 2003 at 06:18:15:

In Reply to: Re: Fuck that. posted by Grail37 on September 18, 2003 at 02:20:00:

You can only get better. If I gave up writing after the BBC turned me down, I wouldn't be doing my degree and I wouldn't have a writer/lecturer helping me with my screenplay. You've got to keep at it. There must be some independant studios you could go to.
: : No offense to any friends whose faiths believe in afterlife but:

: : You only get one crack at this maddening thing called life.

: : Might as well follow your bliss as long as it's humane.

: : You'll have a lot of time for not rapping when you're dead.

: : Mike

: Definately appreciate the advice and I will consoder it. Thanks.

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