Re: Madonna Poll

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Posted by Eyes Only at on September 18, 2003 at 10:22:35:

In Reply to: Madonna Poll posted by Will Turner, Karaoke King on September 18, 2003 at 09:35:51:

: 1. Love her/hate her?

she has talent - can't say she impinges on me emotionwise...

: 2. First Sean Penn, then Guy Ritchie. Who'll be the next indie director she marries?

: 3. Apparently, she won't let her kids watch TV. How would you persuade her otherwise (or support her?)?

Ren and Stimpy - and let that be a warning to us all!

: 4. That Gap advert- is there a worse advert around?

Yes - have you ever seen Iraqi TV?

: 5. Complete the following: As penance for doing a cover of American Pie, Madonna must be punished by doing a cover of Mister Pianoman

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