Re: Sounds like you had a great ol' time.

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Posted by Randal2477 at on September 22, 2003 at 15:58:56:

In Reply to: Re: Sounds like you had a great ol' time. posted by lil clerk on September 22, 2003 at 15:53:32:

: : Yeah, because Irish wakes and funerals ALWAYS degenerate into drunken orgies.

: : "Where's Frank?"
: his name isn't frank.
: : "He died."
: That's not how it went.
: : "Sweet. Party time!"
: Like I said, not how it went.
: : What part of you is Irish? The part that watched SNATCH?
: That's Pikey, not Irish.
: : John

RIP Cyril O'Reilly

I know, when he died, I felt as if it was real, too. It's ok, we understand now. Oz was just THAT powerful.

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