Guys, my friend type thing just died or something

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Posted by BrianLynch at on September 22, 2003 at 16:03:21:

I had a friend who was all close to me and whatnot and after a ten year or month battle with something or other he totally died, for honest. He was a good friend, let's say, and please be nice to me even though I make fun of a lot of you, because I have a dead friend who you know, doesn't have a name or whatever.

So again, here's to dead friend and whatnot. I'll always have those memories of things we did that were fun, and man were you some kind of person who was definitely real.

DeadFriend "Deady" FriendWhoIsDead
19something or other-2003

"Long may people be nice to me on accounta dead friend."

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